Monday, August 20, 2007

seinfeld is a pussy

i don't know the actual man;i am speaking of his character on the o-so-popular sitcom enjoying rerun success. Watching the show, little things bugged me about his character--little things like not reading a book because it had been in a bathroom or not brushing his teeth because someone might have put his brush in the toilet. then i saw an episode that convinced me. george counseled jerry to suggest a menage a trois to his girlfriend so that she would break up with him and he could go after her roommate (good enough) but when his girlfriend says it sounds interesting and the roommate concurs, jerry freaks out and backs off. yes, america, seinfeld is a pussy...

political prediction

so i've been telling people this and i'm kinda worried that a bunch of black SUVs are gonna pull up in front of my apartment. so, here it is:

so whoever the republicans nominate is going to pick jeb bush as their running (he is next in line in this aristocracy) the election will be fixed (oh, that would never happen...again) shortly after inauguration, our new president will fall to assasination. it will probably be blamed on some oil nation and jeb will be moved in. another bush and another war...

i hope i'm wrong...